Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Crazy morning.

As some of you know I'm taking an online class in algorithm analysis, it's a lot of work, but also a lot of fun and last night I had to turn in one assignment. Of course I waited until the last second to start it so I had to work on it until late at night.

Also I'm competing against chino (one of my friends from high school) and the one does best gets a 3/4 pound burger from El Corral in colombia...delicious.

At some point I thought I had the program right but when I ran it it told me that the program had exceeded the maximum amount of memory that these programs are allowed to use. Chino had told me this would happen and how to fix it. Good. Then some other problems came up, i fixed those. But then something weird started happening the program would stop running in the middle of the execution, and it didn't tell me anything about what caused it to stop!

Not having any clue how to fix this i went to bed with a program that in theory worked, but could not finish executing for some mysterious reason. I stayed up until 5:30 working on a program so I could turn it in before midnight (US time) but it just wasn't ready. All that work for nothing...but oh well you know me, it was fun working on it.

Went to bed slept my 3.5 hours woke up at 9 to go to class. Chino got online while I was getting ready and asked me "did you finish it?"
 "no it was running and it stopped for no reason, i have no idea what is causing it blablabla"
 "it's not your code, you just need to increase the memory"
 "i already did when it told me 'i'm out memory' but now it's not telling me that"
 "shhhh...just do it"
 I increased the memory of the program to 1gb, which basically tells my computer i know you're doing a shit ton of stuff, running mac os, making sure the battery is charging checking for wi-fi...all the stuff that a computer usually does, BUT i'm going to need you to devote a fourth of your workspace to this ONE task. (i had the max set at one eight of the workspace before)

well...i don't think i can express how i felt when i saw this so i'll just say what happened. The program started running (and i'm not exaggerating i thought for a long time about which number needs to go here, and i can almost prove that it did) FIFTY times faster.


and most importantly it got way past the point where it got stuck last night. But oh well, too late now, I'll just finish it tonight or tomorrow and get half the points.

Now i needed to go to class, it was 9:40 so I paused the program, put the laptop in my bag and went to take the bus.

On the bus I was thinking dang it...i was so close, now i'm only going to half the points even though the program is right....WAIT! the deadline is midnight PACIFIC time! that means...(counts) 10 am! (counts again) yeah! (can't believe it, counts one more time) HOLY SHIT! i can do this!

So I opened the laptop in the crowded bus, finished running the program, it finished in like 10 seconds, and gave me and answer that looked really good.

Ok, now how do i turn this in...normally this bus will get me to the central station at 9:56 if i run inside i have time to get online, and turn it in.

Then traffic happened, the bus was stopping a lot and for long periods of time, dang it!

wait! some buses have internet...check...this one doesn't, but wait there's an open wifi network! connect! bus starts moving, lose signal. this was followed by about 10 minutes of get signal connect lose signal. It was the perfect go/stop ratio so that I wouldn't make it to the station on time but also I didn't stay in one spot long enough to connect.

Got to the station, 9:58! come on come on! i can make it! run. connect. can't find the network i ALWAYS find, try on my phone,
there's the network,
there's the website,
put in answer
it's right!
check time!

Last attempted 12:07:03 ... 1 day late
Now it's sleepy time.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Break - Finland

April 5
Thursday, I did not have class and Julie, a French girl who I met on the Lapland trip had invited people to go to Turku with her and her friends. I said yes, and so I got up early to meet them at the city-center at 8. I think it’s the earliest I’ve ever gotten up in Finland. After I got off the bus, and as I was walking towards the meeting point I ran into Nanda and Fleur (I REALLY like her name) they were going to class so we just said hi and kept going. I got to the car rental place and waited about 5 minutes until Julie and her friends arrived. They were both from France and so I told them it would be great to speak in French because that way I could practice. We rented a Peugeot 107, the smallest car I have ever been in but it was pretty ok for 4 people.  Patric and Camille sat in the front, Julie and I in the back. The drive there was about 90 minutes, and I slept for most of it, I made sure to tell Julie that she should wake me up if I started snoring. We got to Turku, parked the car and went to the Turku castle, it was pretty small and cute but it was worth the visit. It was built in the 1200’s so it’s pretty old. They’re tried to do interesting stuff with some of the rooms but the result is…cute. There is one room where they have a collection of toys from a lot of different eras, that’s kind of nice. There is another room in which they have some fake treasure, and a stuffed wolf and some creepy music playing. There is another room that’s pretty museum-like; there are a lot of objects belonging to the people who lived in the castle at different points. The shoes they had were surprisingly thin. As in they were­ long enough to be real shoes, but they only like 4-5 cms wide. After the castle we bought some bread, muffins juice and other stuff. Julie’s friends had brought some ham and other “charcuterie” from France, and so we had a very French semi-picnic right outside the Turku cathedral. It was probably -4 or -3 degrees…you know…whatev’s. We tried to go in the cathedral but they were having mass…freaking religion getting in the way of me seeing cathedrals.

Then we got in the car again and drove 10-15 mins to Naantali, a town that is known to be very sunny. It was…pretty sunny but still cold :D. We went in circles for a while until we found the fishing pole. We walked about 10 meters into the ocean, which was frozen. We kept throwing big rocks to make sure the ice would hold us. Then we got to the port, the frenchies had some coffee and I had a strawberry slush, I know…it was really cold, but I was thirsty and it was delicious. We got back in the car and drove back to Helsinki. Of course I fell asleep in the car again, but only for like 15 minutes I think, and when I woke up they were playing guess the…person/thing/object/idea. So I joined them after they finished the round. I had to guess Julie’s person by asking yes/no questions, you can keep asking as long as you get positive answers, but as soon as you get a “no” your turn is over. After a little bit I was the first to guess Tintin was Julie’s person, then Camille guessed Daffy Duck was mine, Patric guessed some Russian athlete that Camille had chosen; and then we all tried to guess Patric’s…it ended up being a muffin, because he saw it when we were choosing, it was really hard.

We got back to Helsinki, and they all went to their Hockey game so we said bye. I headed to the Central Railway Station to meet Ulla (Finnish lady who wants to practice English). We met and talked for a while, she was reading the paper so I asked her to tell me what was on the articles. We also talked about Lahti; a town near Helsinki where they have ski jump competitions, and they have an athletic museum where they have a ski jump simulator, so we decided that maybe one day we can go. We also talked about maybe having dinner this weekend since it’s Easter break. I said bye and went to my place, and then got ready to meet some people’s for party-time that night.

When I got home I realized that it was Thursday and I hadn’t turned in my logic homework that had been due the day before, so I worked on it, and got two thirds of the problems done, but there were 4 that were really strange/hard, so I left them for later and left for the party even though everyone had been there for a half hour already. I did post my questions about the homework on the course forum.

In my effort to be on time always, I have realized that sometimes it’s just impossible; I mean, things happen. But I always make sure I text people and explain why I won’t make it on time and I text them at least 5 mins before the meeting time so they don’t wait for me unknowingly. That way I’m sure that if I’m late it’s for a legitimate reason. So I got there late, but it was nice, I met this guy who stuttered a lot and I decided I would just talk to him for as long as he was willing to talk to me. I think a lot of people lose patience with him but I decided I wasn’t. He was a cool guy, studies English, tried computer science but didn’t like it, has been on mini-finnish-metal cruises. I went back home and went to sleep around 2-3 am.

April 6 – Friday
I’m not really sure what I did all day…probably worked on some Udacity (one of my online classes, the one that’s really easy)…yeah that’s what I did. The important thing is that I didn’t work on my math presentation which is the thing that’s really important. Oh yeah and I also worked on some of the logic problems I couldn’t get, but they were really strange, and when I can’t get the answer right away I subconsciously distract myself and so I probably watched a lot of Chespirito. I could have even gone to the sauna (barbara’s reprimanding voice “should have…done…something…better” except she would know exactly what it was). But anyway, this was the day that Carmen Jung, a Swedish girl/lady that I have met on both 70000 tons cruises was going to see a concert in Helsinki, since she knew I was here she invited me to go and so we were going to meet there. It was really cool! My first time hanging out with someone from 70000tons outside of 70000tons, that cruise is beast! Anyway I also told Javi about the concert, and he was like I only know one of their songs but I like it a lot…and it’s only 10 euros, so HECK YEAH!

That day my cousin Leslie, a really cool cousin of mine she's like 15? (by the way they found another tumor and removed it but they’re doing tests to see if it was malign or not), got on facebook and we started talking a lot…oh yeah! It was because of the status I posted about giving your life to give the world a shot at salvation, she asked me if I would give my life for someone else, and so we talked about a lot of stuff like that, it was really cool at some point I talked about giving one kid a chocolate bar that costs one dollar or giving 10 kids a piece of candy that costs 10 cents each, or saving or investing that dollar so in the future you can have more to give. I told her that for me life was about that, I know it’s not mine and I know that I will give my life for others, the problem is how to use it to make sure that I give the most. We talked about that and other things (which made me late for the concert but it was fine because last time I went it was supposed to start at 10 but didn’t start until 12), and at the end I asked her what she thought and she said: “it’s ok cousin, don’t worry, I’ll help you buy the other 9 chocolate bars”

I know she will. She’s awesome.

So then I went to the concert, ran into Javi who had brought 2 girls with him, from the netherlands. Turns out Javi had already made friends with the girl selling t-shirts also, who happened to speak perfect Spanish. I was impressed. Then the concert started, the opening band was really good. But I still couldn’t find Carmen…she’ll show up. After they were done we went for some drinks, I got a delicious dry apple cider. And then the actual band started playing, they’re called Norther, they were fun, maybe even good, but not enough for me to be like oh god I have to check them out. Still I decided to enjoy the show, headbang…maybe a little too much (my neck was sore the next day), and just have fun with friends. At some point some finnish guy comes to us and asks Javi and I “moshpit?” I was like “yeah! why not?” and so we had a cutesy 4-5 people moshpit, it was fun. One of Javi's friends was really strong everytime she pushed me, she pushed me. But it was nice and fun.
So yeah, just another normal Friday night in Helsinki, good metal concert, moshpits with nice people…like you do.

During the concert Carmen finally showed up and we hugged and said hi, it was a really cool feeling, like “I thought you were from that other world, where bands are constantly playing and there are infinite amounts of food and there is water all around you, and the guys from your favorite bands are eating breakfast at the table in front of you….but you’re here…does that mean that world actually exists? I didn’t dream it?” It was cool, she was there with her boyfriend who is working in Finland but is from Germany, so she was visiting him. After the concert we went to this bar, where I know they tend to play hard rock/metal as background music, because once I walked by it and I heard Opeth playing (only in Finland). We sat there and talked for a while. When we said bye I told her I was planning on going to Switzerland before I go back to the US, and she said we’d try to see each other there, “if not, I’ll see you on the boat next year”, I told her I’m not sure I’ll go, and it really depends on the bands, to which she replied something like “whatever, you know it will be worth it”. So she’s signed up to go for the third time, and her boyfriend for the second (he missed the first one). I guess there are people crazier than me :D.

I got back home around 3 am and went to sleep…hmmm basketball at 10 tomorrow…we’ll see.

April 7 – Saturday
Woke up at 10…basketball actually starts at 10:45…hmm but I could go back to sleep…ok basketball. So I got up got there right on time and played an awesome 2 hours of basketball. Then there’s Abdu, he’s a guy from Saudi Arabia, really good at basketball and a playing style really similar to mine. I like him a lot, and he goes to play every time I go…so every time. Also on Saturday we always go eat lunch after basketball, so we went, unfortunately it was closed because of some “easter” thing or something (:P). So we said bye and I headed home, hungry and sad, except not really sad. I’m not sure what I made for lunch, maybe sandwiches. But I got home (OH! Taxes! Yeah I also did, or tried to do that on Friday, no wonder I felt like I wasted a lot of time.) and showered…and maybe ate?... and by the time I sat in front of the computer it was 3. Ulla was going to pick me up at 4 to go to her house for dinner. So I finished my taxes and almost immediately the phone rang, it was 4, Ulla was outside, and I was still in my towel! So I got dressed and went. On the way there we picked up two of her friends Jussi and Tiina, while we were in the parking lot Over the Hills and Far Away (by Nightwish) started playing on the radio so me and a 45-ish year old lady enjoyed some awesome symphonic metal in her car (only in Finland). We got to her place; it was a really nice and cozy house, the furniture was all made in the same style; very simple clean, light, unpainted wood. “The boys”, that is Jussi, Kimmo, and I went to the basement to throw some darts. Unfortunately Kimmo does not speak English, and I speak even less Finnish so we could not talk a lot. But Jussi made up for that, he is a really nice guy, originally from Sweden, absolutely beast as darts, and played basketball growing up, then was assistant coach for the Finnish national Baseball team, then fell in love with golf. So he had plenty of stories and was glad to share them, also as his wife Tiina said, he tends to drag them out, which I didn’t mind at all. I won the first round of darts! But it was all beginners luck, also Jussi’s board at home is broken so he’s really out of practice (hadn’t shot in like 2 weeks!). Sure enough in the other 2 rounds he kicked our butts, but it was a lot of fun. Then I said to him “as a basketball player I have to ask…can you throw with your left hand?” and as a basketball player he replied “I can shoot a basketball just as well with my left, so yes I’m not as good, but I’m ok” and then we threw darts with our left hand for a little bit…I was pathetic.

Then dinner was ready, Ulla made delicious smoked salmon with a brown sugar coating. MMMM so good. Also, Finnish fun fact (triple F), Finnish people tend to peel their potatoes in the winter but not in the summer, this is because in the winter, the potatoes have thicker skin, so they think it’s too much. For desert we had mämmi, a finnish desert that tends to be controversial apparently some English tv show cook tried it and didn’t like it. I thought it was delicious, first I had a little serving, it’s this black…poopish looking thing with the consistency of mud, but you pour a little sugar on it and then some cream on top of that. Duuuuuuuuuude SO good, I had a second serving that was 3 times bigger than the first one. Good stuff. Then we talked about stuff for a while, Jussi said that Nightwish is much better now of course…because they have a Swedish singer hehehe. We talked about ABBA and how one of the girls was able to sing really well in English but didn’t know a word of it. And then Ulla let me borrow her Mamma Mia DVD, I’ve never seen it but I’m excited about it.

I took the bus back to my place and got ready quickly because the Italian girls had invited me and some other people to go to Karaoke that night (it was a busy day…and I still hadn’t started my math homework). It was fun, we sang…something and then we sang Another brick in the wall part 2, which was surprisingly boring to sing, all there is is the chorus, and then a solo and then the chorus twice. Also what makes the song good is that it’s sung by a large group of children, turns out it sounds pretty bad when it’s being sung by 4 young adults, who don’t know what they’re doing. Dang it, I can’t remember the first song we sang, but we did an ok job, they clapped a decent amount, which they definitely didn’t for people who did a crappy job, so it was alright.
Personally I wanted to sing some Sonata Arctica they had 3 songs by them

And I turned in my little piece of paper for fullmoon, but time passed people left and even though I stayed there afterwards they never called my name…oh well, maybe they thought they’d had enough of me after another brick in the wall. At least I got to hear someone sing Tallulah, and everyone sing along to the chorus (only in Finland will everyone at the bar know the lyrics to a song that’s classified as metal)

I went home, knowing that sometime before going back to the US I’ll go sing some sonata :D. For the third night in a row went to bed at like 3 am.

Also I made a list of awesome/strange/unexpected songs at the karaoke.
Be our Guest (beauty and the beast)
Comfortably numb (someone sang this)
Defying gravity (from wicked)
Barbara-ann (hehe)
I’ll cover you (from rent)
Always – Erasure (the reason this game is awesome http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzA4ZY_ZGo0)
No rain (blind melon)
One – Metallica
Seasons of love (from rent)
Semi-charmed life
76 trombones (from the music man)
shut up and let me go – ting tings
speed of light – stratovarius (only in Finland)
Stairway to heaven
Welcome to the Jungle
That’s not my name – ting tings
Sound of music
Think of me – phantom of the opera
Angel of music – phantom also
Slaying the dreamer, wishmaster, like 2 more from nightwish :D…totally unsingable though.

April 8 – Sunday
On Saturday I told myself, ok you didn’t travel anywhere during this break because you needed to do homework…let’s get some homework done. But then the Italian girls (Ilaria and Roverta) told me they and another guy from Italy (Massimiliano) were having an easter lunch on Sunday and I had to join them. So I had to choose between math homework and homemade authentic Italian food…well math is hard so I told myself that I would sleep in (I needed it) and if I woke up on time to go to the lunch I would go. I did, and so I went, while we were waiting for the food we had a really enjoyable talk about the influence of the Vatican on the Italian government, of course that led to talking abortion, and taxes and all sorts of controversial issues. I was really surprised about how easy it was to talk with them about it, even though we were on different sides of the issues, I felt like I could push and use all my arguments and ask all my questions and they wouldn’t feel offended or take it personally. I even told them at some point that I really enjoy talking about things like this but I have to be really careful because sometimes it can hurt people. All 3 of them were like really? Why would anyone get offended or hurt? That was cool.
The food was delicious, it was like a rice lasagna; red rice/ham/eggs/cheese/rice/ham/eggs/cheese. Delicious and very filling. Unfortunately Ilaria (one of the girls) had to leave before the food was ready, though she was happy because she was going to the airport to pick up her parents who were coming to visit. Afterwards we had ice cream and then we left.

Ok, it’s Sunday, I have no more commitments, it’s time to do some mat…WAIT! I am taking an online course in algorithm analysis, I have homework due Monday night, and I haven’t even watched the videos. So there I spent the rest of the day watching videos, which were awesome…but still haven’t started math. I got to talk to Barbara for a few minutes but she seemed busy, it was nice to see her :D.

April 9 – Monday
Ok, sleeping in – check
Commmitments for the day: basketball at 7:45
Things that I need to do before math: finish watching the videos and do the homework for algorithm analysis…dang.

And so I did. I’m pretty sure I had delicious pasta for lunch. I did the questions, had a few wrong the first time, got them right on the second (and last) try…phew. Chino (guy from france, with whom I’m competing to do better in the class) didn’t, but he did the long programming assignment in like half the time it took me so that’s a little scary. Still for now “se lo echo” hehehe. I had some problems with a tricky part of the program and I thought I fixed it, but that created another problem, and now it was time to go to basketball, so I wrote what I needed on a piece of paper and worked out how to fix it on the bus (sigh…fine I might be a little geeky). Basketball was alright, Abdu was there and so we shot 50 3-pointers each, I made 21, 42% which was great, always go for 40%. Abdu hit 17, but he’s not used to the routine, I think he’s a lot better than me at 3 pointers, so soon he’ll start kicking my ass at that. The bad thing was that there were only 6 other people and they were not very good so we could not have really competitive games, it was still fun though.

On the way back I was going to buy groceries, especially drinks but the alepa (shop) was closed so no delicious drinks, I had to quench my thirst with ice cream, water, and grapes.

I fixed my program and turned it in, got it right!
Then it was sleepy time

April 10 – Tuesday
Slept in, :D
Ok, fine, but first breakfast. I impressed myself today; first cooked a half diced potato, threw in a diced tomato, then 2 slices of ham cut into little pieces, salt, pepper and oregano (mmmmmm oregano), by now I expected the little potato cubes would be cooked but they were still hard, and the ham and tomato were starting to burn…hmmmm what to do? Let’s throw some water in, it should cover the potatoes and cook them more thoroughly and prevent the tomatoes from turning into charcoal hehe, also cover the pan to make sure all the heat is not coming from the pan.
Worked beautifully, when the potatoes were finally ready, I threw in 2 eggs, mixed the whole thing, and to top it off some cheese.
It was really good, too bad all I had to drink with it was water.
Still it was awesome.

Alright alright alright alright, math.
I did some math, I actually got a lot done, I was really happy with my progress, and if I do the same tomorrow, and thurdsay I should have my presentation ready on time (the deal is; this should be a 4 hour presentation which means I will be teaching my class for a whole week, the good thing is if it goes well, I won’t have to take the final exam, so it’s worth it, but a lot of work).
The initial plan for today was to go eat at the unicafe (university sponsored restaurant: full meal, usually delicious, for 2.40 euros) at 6:30, then go to the gym until 8 which is when basketball starts. Then basketball until 10 :D.
BUT THEN, Jessi, Linza’s boyfriend (linza is a girl from the us who studies in finland and who saved my trip here like 7 times, she’s awesome) posted on the facebook that he’s going to be part of a comedy night here in Helsinki. Awesome! I’m in! it was at 8 pm so I guess basketball is canceled, that’s alright, just for tonight. I invited some people on the facebook, but everyone was either busy or didn’t get the message on time.

Like I said, good progress in math, I liked the idea from the day before or working something out on the bus so I did the same, well I didn’t “work it out”, but I read the next proof that I need to explain and my understanding of it went from  “wait…what?” to “oooh ok I…kind of…see what you’re trying to do…still no idea how, but I see where we’re going” so that’s good.

I got to unicafe, the special today was salmon in some cheesy sauce, so I went for it (the special is 4.70 euros, not always worth it, but tonight, definitely) it was delicious. Ok, comedy time, I walked to the place which was a little hard to find, it looked strangely quiet, so I asked someone if there was a comedy event there tonight, I wasn’t sure it was the right place. He said no…ummmmm ok…find internet, check the event…the place is definitely right…OH WAIT! I FORGOT TO CHECK THE DATE! It’s on May 3rd don’t ask me why, I was completely convinced that it was tonight. Good thing all the people I invited couldn’t go!

Ok but what now…hmmm basketball starts in 15 mins…but I didn’t bring my shoes, shorts or shirt, alright, I can play in these shoes (good thing I wear basketball shoes as everyday shoes) this shirt is a little tight, and it has sleeves, bleh, it’s old I can rip off the sleeves but the shorts…I had been thinking that I didn’t have enough, only 2 pairs of short, when I’m playing 4 times every week. Alright fine! I went and bought the cheapest pair of shorts I could find (18 euros, and pretty good shorts actually). And basketball it was!

Now starts a big basketball update, you might want to skip it, though there is some interesting stuff about Finland itself, most is about basketball though and the friends I've made playing here.

I changed quickly and decided against ripping off the sleeves from my shirt, though I’ll probably keep using it for basketball so I’ll do it before next time. As soon as I walked on the court a team that didn’t have subs asked me to play with them and so I started playing, no warm up, no stretching not even a single shot so it was a slow start but I actually played pretty well tonight, though now that I think back it’s because I was going in a lot and not shooting I think my shooting was alright, but below average. I didn’t make a single 3 pointer…wait! Yes! One.

Jasmina is a finnish girl who goes to play a lot, for about 3 months I called her emmi…emmi is her friend. But now I know her real name, so that’s good. I like how she plays, she sets some really good and strong picks, and plays really good and clean defense, you can tell she focuses really hard when she plays. It’s fun to see her play, and she’s getting to know how I play so she’s really good at passing me the ball at the right time. I like it when we’re on the same team. She shoots with her left hand exclusively, even for open layups on the right side. But she’s good at getting tricky shots to go in, especially tonight, she played really well.

Then there’s…Mexican guy, I feel really bad I don’t know his name. But oh well, he’s really good, he can jump really high, one time I went up for a layup and he jumped like 20 cms higher than me and blocked the crap out of me, and he even called it he said “bajate!”. But it was in a fun exciting way, not really trying to offend me, I liked it. He shoots really well and actually he’s really good at going to the goal…even his defense is good so I guess he doesn’t really have any weak spots…ok wait it takes him a little bit of time to get his shot up from outside.  But yeah he’s really good, also love it when he’s on my team, or when he guards me.

There were 4 teams, so we played half-court 2 teams on each half. First we played the blue team, they had 2 giant guys and I got to guard them both, the first one was really tall did not miss a single shot from mid-range, I’m pretty sure he kicked my butt, but he didn’t play for very long. Then there was the other one, his technique was really bad, and his outside shot was crap, but he was incredibly strong and heavy; I stood no chance he could move my whole body just with his arm, it was so effortless for him that it wasn’t really a foul, if he could manage to get the ball in the key it was over he made it almost every time. But it was not impossible to stop him from getting the ball, and when I had the ball there was no competition I made it almost every time I got it either because he wasn’t quick enough to get outside before I shot it or because he wasn’t quick enough to stop me from going in.

Then there was the white team, nothing really special, still fun playing with them. Oh but Aleksi was with them, he’s pretty cool, I didn’t like him at first because he plays really rough, which is fine, but he also used to get pretty mad when people fouled him. One time, a while ago, I went up for a layup with there was no doubt I would make but he still tried to stop me even though he was in a position where he would foul me for sure. I ended up accidentally hitting him in the jaw, which hurts a lot, it was the last basket of the game, so then he started yelling at me, I told him “I’m sorry we both went up and I accidentally hit you, it’s not like I was trying to hurt you, sorry”, and I just walked away. A few minutes later he came to me and apologized for yelling at me. I told him no problem. That immediately made me like him. And maybe I’m making this up but I don’t think I’ve seen him get mad or complain at games since then. Actually last Wednesday after playing I went to the gym to stretch and he came and said hi to me, and we talked for like 30 mins. He’s a surgeon, so I got to ask him about how that works in Finland. (Wow, this is a long digression from basketball, but I think it’s worth it, so suck it.) Medical School is really hard to get into in Finland, it’s all based off of an exam, no interviews, no resumes no nothing, which is kind of bad. Also it’s not really about how much you score, it’s about the fact that they take the best X-number of candidates, so even if you did well, if everyone else did too, too bad. He said that they have 2 kinds of health-care here in Finland, the public one that everyone has access to, the waiting can be long sometimes, but they offer everything for close to nothing to everyone. Then there’s the private option, which pretty much only big companies buy for their employees. The problem is that those are small and only offer basic doctor visits, diagnostics and prescriptions, nothing big like surgeries or long treatments. So when things get bad people end up being sent back to the public which works well enough to take care of it.

He said that people still complain about it, but he thinks it’s a really nice system, if he could change something about it, it would be to get rid of the private, or to make it seriously work and not just for “wimpy” stuff. 

Ok, so yeah, he was playing for the white team hehe.

Then there was the yellow team. Abdu was in it, which is awesome, we’ve become the typical pair of players who play similarly, are deadly when playing on the same team, and always guard each other when on opposite teams. I think on the first play he got the ball at the three point line, and I was late to guard him so he hit it in my face. The next play I got the ball at the three point line, he was late so I went up and hit a three right in his face! It was awesome, we high fived each other. I LOVE playing with him haha! He knows my weaknesses, I know his, so it’s really hard, we’re really evenly matched…it’s just a lot of fun.

And finally there was Salla. So last week I went to work out before basketball and there was a girl at the gym too, she was wearing long-ish basketball shorts and a Mike Bibby shirt all other finnish girls who play wear tight shirts and short-ish shorts, so I thought it was weird. She was pretty short and looked like she was 17…ok whatev’s. Then I went up for basketball and a few minutes later she showed up too…alright, so it’s not just about the clothes, you play basketball…alright. She was, say on team 4, I was on team 1 and I was playing against team 2, then we played against team 3. When it was my turn to sit out and I was looking at the other teams playing I saw her making some really good, quick, and hard passes. Not only the fact that she could make the passes was impressive, but also the fact that she could see them. Intriguing. I didn’t notice this until today, but that day I didn’t see her shoot. She was organizing her team, passing to open people making things work without shooting. Her technique and her footwork were really good, she was also really good at faking going to one side and going to another, and quick too. The other thing that is hard to explain is that when she dribbled and passed and when she drove to the basket…it didn’t look like a girl was playing, normally girls just look weaker…it looks less natural and this is even for girls who are really good, almost all the time, even if you don’t know that it’s a girl from the way they play you can tell. The only exceptions that I have seen personally were 2 girls from the osu basketball team! That’s right, only 2 out of the whole team. And she’s only 17! I had decided that if she keeps going to play and she keeps impressing me I’ll try to talk to her, and then get her in contact with Lindsey the girl from the OSU team, she would know who to talk to in case she was interesting in playing in college in the US.
Anyway, by the time we got to play team 4 last week she had already quit playing, I was sad I didn’t get to play against her, but oh well.

Today, at some point, before we played each other we were both sitting out at a certain point and she sat next to where I was sitting, I introduced myself and we started talking. So her name is Salla, she had not played basketball for 2 years before last week, she saw that there was a time for “basketball” so she imagined that she could go shoot for a while, but when she saw that there were actually teams with pretty good people playing she was like oh god this is too good! She has been playing for 10 years (which is crazy considering she’s 17!) Had a really bad knee injury 5 years ago (at 12! That sucks). And had to slowly quit, she’s had surgery on it twice but they’re going to do a 3rd one. Then I decided I had to ask her age, things didn’t add up, turns out she’s 21 (but she reeeeeeeally looks 17). She said that she feels in pretty good shape about basketball but her shot is really bad (which is when I noticed I hadn’t seen her shoot). Later on I saw her shoot, she got blocked but her technique was almost perfect (she even flicked her wrist!), I think ideally she should shoot a little higher, but on that shot she was almost exactly halfway between where girls shoot and where I think one should ideally shoot.
Anyway, I told her about the other times that you can play basketball here in Helsinki, but most of them didn’t work for her. I told her that Abdu and I are planning on trying to schedule some shooting sessions before the times when there is basketball. We ended up scheduling one on Friday since all 3 of us are free on Friday mornings and there’s no basketball on Friday.

SO! Now I have 2 really good, really serious shooting partners.

End of Basketball update

As you may have noticed, I didn’t get to talk to Barbara a lot, I’m sure she’s been really busy, and so on the way home I decided that I would type this up, so she can read it when she has time, even if I’m asleep or not available, and know what I’m up to, and that I’m thinking about her. 

Another thing I should mention is that between a lot of the things that I mentioned here I probably read some of "the howling miller" by aalto paasilinna. It's the book on which the song "black sheep" by sonata arctica (you might say i'm obsessed with this band...wait until I start talking about nightwish) is inspired. And I'm really enjoying it. 
From that I figured it would be a good time to make a list of books i've read since the beginning of the year

Phantom of the Opera
The power of one
Angels and Demons
The hunger games, 1, 2, 3. 
Invisible cities
The wizard of oz

Geeze! That's a book every 2 weeks! I'd never read anywhere near this much. I'm loving it. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Asia Trip 2011 - Part 10 (Final) - India

New Delhi
In new Delhi, we looked for a way to get a cab we walked back and forth in the airport since it was maybe 2 in the morning. We eventually found the official place to get a cab and got one, bay 39 is where we were supposed to go.

We were intercepted by another one of the cab drivers who said he’d take us there for half the estimated price they gave us at the official thing, so we never made it to bay 39.

As we got closer to the hotel we started getting a little scared the neighborhood was not very…clean looking and we just kept thinking that we ended up getting a crappy hotel for looking online. The hotel was actually great, the people were really nice and polite to us (they kept calling us “boss”), everything inside was very organized and clean and the room was great they asked for our passports and we checked in. It was a good surprise. Before we went to sleep we talked with some of the people and setup our plan for the next few days. For about 1000 dollars we would get a city tour in Delhi, a car ride and a tour of Agra, then a car to Jaipur, a hotel there, and then a flight to Calcutta for all 4 of us. Things in India are cheap.
Also since we only got there at 2-ish in the morning and were leaving at 6 the next day the only charged us for one night, like I said REALLY nice people.

After naps and recovery we went out to see New Delhi, we went to the red fort, which has something to do with Delhi becoming the capital instead of Agra. There is this market on the way in where they sell fabrics and little wooden statues and purses and all sorts of stuff that tourists love to buy, apparently only people who are descendants of the original shop owners can work there. In 1857 the fort was captured by the English who broke through the main gate using an elephant. Building the place took 9 years 5000 workers and 10 million rupees. It’s crazy, nowadays if a building takes more than 2 years to be finished everyone gets angry and thinks it’s a crazy project. WE WANT RESULTS NOW!

We did not have time to stop by the rajghat (surprisingly easy to pronounce) which is where Gandhi’s ashes are held. But we went to the Gandhi museum where they have a lot of pictures and speeches, which were actually really interesting, I took some pictures of them and will see how many I will bother to put on the facebook of course if anyone wants to see more of them just let me know, they were really good I thought.

Most of what he talked about could be related to how having one big leader that was corrupt messed everything up, and I thought that what a revolution did in general was get rid of that one big leader (or government). But what comes afterwards, either a replacement that is chosen in the middle of chaos, or a break up into smaller units, smaller leaders that can (and usually do) take advantage of their new position. Where does true progress come from then? Dunno.

We visited Jantar Mantar which is an astronomy complex, giant pieces of equipment, that really look like buildings, were used to measure the position of the sun and other stars. People were so creative! Well I guess just creative in different ways than we are now, but man, it’s crazy to imagine how much ancient cultures knew about astronomy, and they ways they used to study it.

We visited the central gate, took some cool pictures and had ice cream, it was really hot. There is a big problem with people trying to sell stuff to tourists; as soon as you get out of a cab there are 5-10 people trying to stuff stuff in your hands. This lady selling henna tattoos grabbed Maria’s hand and started drawing on it, she didn’t know any better and thought it looked cool so she let her do it, we ended up deciding (not that we really had a choice) to let her do it, and Maria was happy. When she was done though, she wanted to charge us a lot of money so we ended up telling her to take 5 bucks and leave us alone. At some point some guys approached us told us his name and shook our hands, I’m pretty sure they were going to try something weird, but either we left too quickly or our guide scared them off, it was a little weird.

We visited Humayun’s tomb, which is a complex that includes some temples, the guy’s tomb and the tombs of some of his wifes, it’s really amazing to see such beautiful buildings and monuments. To think that someone was willing to spend so much time money and effort to building these things is crazy. I had a lot of mixed feelings, on one hand they’re literally awesome, but then again it’s a lot of resources spent on a building. Then again, if you have a lot of money and resources why not use them to build amazing cultural monuments that everyone will get to visit and be amazed by centuries later? Oh wait…you could use them to help all the starving people that live next door.

It was definitely an interesting experience and the whole time I felt incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to experience them.

Next up was the Lotus temple it is a temple dedicated to the purity and equality of all religions. A really beautiful building, in which anyone is welcome to come and pray to whatever they believe in. However they do have some kind of own religion with their own prophet. I didn’t find out much more than that. But the idea was interesting. We went for lunch, a little too spicy as always, and then another monument. A huge tower, in a plaza where there was another really big and heave iron pole monument. I don’t really remember the history of this monument but the detail on it was crazy, you can see it on the pictures, the craftsmanship is hard to believe. Only pictures can even begin to do it justice.

We went for some shopping which was nice because everything was so cheap. My mom bought little presents for everyone at home.

This was an exhausting day, we went back to the hotel and Maria and I jumped in the pool and played for a while before bed.

Sunday…man what a day. We woke up early to go to Agra, mainly to see the Taj Mahal. I slept on the way there, which was nice, we got to the parking and as always were immediately surrounded by a bunch of people trying to sell us stuff, that, however is when my dad realized he didn’t have our passports…BAD. They had asked for them at the hotel in Delhi, and told us they’d return them but they forgot, and we did too. Luckily we didn’t need them until Monday afternoon when we were supposed to fly to Calcutta, but still, it was really scary, we called the hotel and sure enough they had them, and were happy to offer to mail them to us the next day, which was of course, crap. So we talked and fought for a little while until we got to the point where the guy would hire a cab to take them to our hotel in Jaipur, where we would be that night, we’d have to pay for the cab but this was one of those situations where you don’t have a choice and so we were just thankful that we would get them back, it was a scary time.

That being said it was time to visit the Taj Mahal, one of the 7 wonders of…yeah I tried to look up a list of the 7 wonders, there are like 70 lists of 7 wonders, I think the famous one is the 7 wonders of antiquity and I’m pretty sure the Taj Mahal and the Terra Cota warriors are 2 of those, but even versions of that vary from source to source, so who knows.

This place was awesome though, standing in front of something so majestic makes you feel small, but at the same time really happy to get to see it. The guy who had it built did it for one of his wives, the one who gave him the most children and so the one he loved the most (naturally). I think it was something like 13 or something else that was ridiculous. So ladies if you’re wondering why you don’t have a Taj Mahal, it may have something to do with the fact that you don’t want to share your husband with an undetermined number of other ladies, and at the same time give him 13+ children…so no complaining!

Seriously though this place was so beautiful, 22 domes one for every year that it took to build. The estimated cost fixed to represent today’s currency was 20,000,000,000 USD. INSANE, yet incredibly and undeniably beautiful. It’s closed on Fridays except for the Muslim mosque. I won’t try to describe it, there’s no way, pictures are on facebook. Man…it was crazy, there are 2 tombs in the center for the guy and his (favorite) wife. The stones that are used to decorate the whole place are semi-see-through so you can see light through it and sections of the marble that are not as think. It must look even more incredible under the moonlight. It’s also surprisingly cool inside.

I forgot to say that we rode from the parking lot to the monument on a camel, and the little sister of the kid who was in charge of the thought Maria was really cool so she gave Maria one of the key rings she was selling as a present. It was a really cool moment…Also I rode a camel! It was cool.

On our way back to the car a big storm hit, and it started raining a lot, and there was a big accident on the road so our driver decided to take an alternate route. This alternate route was not in as good a condition at one point we had to go through a puddle…that turned out to be about a foot deep. The car died halfway through it and it was pretty scary but eventually it started again and we kept going. We went through a few towns in the middle of nowhere where I saw the most poverty I have ever seen in my life. There were houses which basically consisted of 4 wooden poles about 4 feet away from each other that formed a square. A plastic square to protect from the rain and then some leafs to sleep on. Imagine a few hundreds of these back to back and that’s what these towns looked like. It was hard to see.

At some point we stopped for foodsies and realized that we had lost our license plate probably around when the car died in the puddle. Eventually we got to Jaipur, which apparently was completely new to our driver, he looked for the address for a while and couldn’t find it, asked a few people and still couldn’t find it. Sure enough, a cop saw that we didn’t have a license plate and pulled us over, we don’t really know what they talked about but the cop asked for the guy’s driver’s license, he pulled it out but didn’t want to give it to him since he’d get a ticket…they talked a little more, then our driver was quiet for a second…put the car in gear and drive off!

Yeah, insane, we were scared as heck, sat there quietly and hoped for the best, a few blocks down another cop pulled us over, he was standing in front of the car, the driver slowed down, stopped, and when the cop moved to the side to go towards the window, we drove off again.

It was a fun time, since we still didn’t really know where we were going so we kept driving around, hoping the cops wouldn’t find us…We ended up going to a place to put some credit in our driver’s phone since he was out. He called the hotel and got someone to come get us.

Got to the hotel, it was nice but no internet, also no food, so we went out for food, all we found was cookies and juice…but oh well. Then we got back to the hotel and then they did have food. So it was good.

We toured Jaipur, went to see a famous wall-house and shopped for more presents. We did not have a lot of time before our flight and our driver had no idea what was where so we just went to the airport and after going the wrong way only twice we made it and flew to Calcutta.

We had about an 8 hours layover so we hired another taxi-tour. We ate at KFC so our stomachs wouldn’t cry. Saw victoria palace and walked around the gardens, walked by the riverside, where there were a lot of little shops selling all sorts of exotic foods. And finally went to visit mother Theresa’s house. When we asked people about her their reaction tended to be very strange, they looked even a little mad and said that she got a lot of credit for not really doing a lot, but they really did not want to talk about the issue any more. When we got there though it was really cool, a nun told us they had just closed visiting hours but she would let us in exceptionally since we came from so far. The people there were all incredibly nice told us some of the history and showed us around. Apparently a lot of young people from all over the world go there to volunteer for a few months or years and then go back, so that helps them a lot. When we came in the nuns started cleaning Mother Theresa’s grave, they looked really happy and honored to do so. There was a general feeling of peace and niceness in the whole house. I was very glad to have visited.

We took our taxi back to the airport and that was it for India.

On the way back our flight stopped in Frankfurt, we had some pasta that was alright, but most importantly they had Mary Poppins available to watch on the plane, it was cool. Maria said that Mary Poppins (Julie Andrews) looks a lot like Barbara.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Asia Trip 2011 - Part 9 - China part II

Thursday leave for
We got to Beijing with no hotel reservation, I think that as we visited more and more cities we became more relaxed about planning ahead, luckily it all worked out quite nicely. In the airport, as it had become a habit we looked for some sort of tour agency, and found one right next to the baggage claim area the sign said that they would get you really good deals on hotels. We gave them the opportunity to assist us but all they did was search this website (which I’m sure was the company that hired them) and show us the results. They were all pretty crappy and we were pretty sure that we could get way better deals on the websites that we used, also their English was pretty bad so they couldn’t really tell us why one hotel was better than the others, also the website was in Chinese only. After a while I just asked the lady to let me look at the computer she was using so I could look at the options myself, she did and then went to help someone else. Perfect! I had a laptop and internet so I went on kayak.com and found us a nice hotel for a really good price. The lady was pretty confused when I gave her back the laptop thanked her and walked away but oh well. Oh right, the reason we didn’t do that in the first place was because there was no free accessible wifi network. As soon as we left the baggage claim area (in most countries that is a restricted area, i.e. when you leave you can’t go back in) we found a city tour place and asked for a tour to the great wall. They told us that all the tours leave around 730 in the morning so that was not an option they did tell us that we could hire a driver/car for the day and they would take us to the wall and then to our hotel for 1300 yuan. There was a guy also asking about a our to the wall, as it turned out he was on an 8 hour layover to LA so he figured he might as well go see the great wall. We invited him to join us if he paid for 25% of the cost of the tour and he was all up for it. Unfortunately when the driver got there he said he wouldn’t take 5 people (+Maria) we would not fit comfortably in the car so he couldn’t’ go with us.

I took an awesome nap in the car I think it was like a 90 minutes drive, and then there we were the great wall. There were a lot of people there, we parked in the parking area and started walking through this shopping area towards the entrance through which you get on the wall. There was a guy selling magic tricks, my dad and I are really into that stuff and figuring out how it works and he showed us 4 rings and how he got them to go into each other and then a chain and ring trick in which he let go of the ring and it tied itself to the chain. My dad and I decided that we would go see the wall and probably buy them on the way back to the car, so we walked away…for like 5 seconds and then my dad decided he couldn’t wait so we went back and bought them so we could know how they worked. They were actually a lot of fun to show to our relatives back in Colombia. We saw a spaghetti place and ate there (my family decided after a while that we would, as long as it was reasonably possible, avoid local food since it was spicy and their stomachs had already taken a lot) and then onto the wall.

It was awesome, literally, worthy of awe. The first thing you do when you get up there is try to see how far it goes…you start looking own at your feet and then your head goes up, to the left to the right, then the wall gets lost behind some mountain then it shows up again up another mountain and back down…as far as your eye can see, it is unreal, it never stops. Then you turn around and go again, halfway hoping that you will see the beginning of you couldn’t see then end, nope endless on this side too, how can something like that exist? The walking area on top of the wall is about as wide as one and a half car lanes and people are just constantly going up and down, it doesn’t get any less crowded as you get far from the entrance. It is fair to say though that although there were definitely a lot of people there, it didn’t feel all that crowded most of the time, every 100 meters or so there were “stations” there were areas the size of a living room that were covered and had windows, it did get crowded around those, people were looking to get away from the sun I guess since it was pretty hot.  We walked to the first station and it became an uphill walk from there so my mom decided she would stay behind and wait for us. My dad and I decided it would be fun to go through 3 more stations the 3rd one was at the top of a hill and we thought the view would be worth it. Maria Jose got tired really quickly, and so my dad started carrying her and then it was my turn. It was easy at first but it got harder as we got more tired and the Chinese summer sun kept hitting us hard. After a while, we reached an area where the wall became really steep, I would say it was about a 45 degree slope and so three were some hand rails to help people on their way up since it was just a flat path and there were no stair-like steps. When we got really close to the third station, our final destination, the hill became so steep that we had to go up really tall steps. The view was amazing. You can check out the pictures.

The way back was a lot of fun, Maria and I ran most of the way down while singing and it went by really quickly even though we were both really tired when we got back. We went back to the car and I napped on the way back to the city.

We finally got back to our hotel and went to go check in when they told us that they didn’t have our reservations, I checked my email and saw that Kayak had sent me an email saying that for some reason the reservation did not go through so I needed to try again. It turned out that the rates given at the hotel were cheaper than the ones we found online, so we told them that we were very upset but we would take the normal rates and talk with our agency later :p.

We relaxed for a while and my mom, somehow with her broken English found us a “tour” to go see an acrobat show. I had seen a similar one that was here at OSU and it had been awesome so I was excited about it. It was the same idea except it was more in every way, the stage was cooler the acts were harder and more impressive and it was really fun and exciting. They had some hat routines, jumping through hoops, contortionists, a guy with a mask that changed faces, and the final acts which was a spherical iron cage in which 2 bikes started driving, then they added another one, 3 bikes riding inside this tiny iron cage it was crazy. But THEN they added another one, with 4 bikes they did a lot of cool patterns in which the paths intersected each other constantly, one tiny mistake and they would all die, instantly, it was really intense. AND THEN they added a 5th one, I don’t know how they did it, it was chaotic, crazy, scary, awesome. We all really enjoyed it and of course Maria thought it was the coolest thing ever.

We saw a KFC on the way to the show and asked our driver to take us there to get some food so we could eat at the hotel. it turns KFC has a completely different profile abroad from what it is in the US, although that’s kind of true for all fast food places, in Colombia eating at McDonalds is like a “cool” thing to do. But in the US, it’s what you do if you want something to go in your stomach, just something, it doesn’t have to be good. Apparently our driver misunderstood us because when we came back out and looked for him he was gone, nowhere to be seen. Hmmm ok well we’ll walk around and then get a taxi, show them the address of the hotel and we’ll be ok. So we did that, it was actually a pretty cool and active area, there were a lot of people selling cheap little cool toys, one was a slingshot that shot a little plastic sheet that would spin like a helicopter and light up on the way down. Another guy was flying and selling an unusual type of kite, except it was a lot of little kites lined up hanging from the string with no big kite at the end, it looked really cool and he had like 50 little kites flying. My dad thought it would be cool to have and so he bought it. When he looked at it like 5 seconds after buying it he saw that it had like 8 kites, not 50 and of course when we asked the guy he said “well of course this one is like 10 times more expensive but sure I can sell you one”. Really? I was still a little hurt by the guy who took our money in Shanghai, and so I decided I would not have it this time, so I was pretty direct with the guy and told him look you either give us the big one for the price or give us our money back, he said no and so I said I’d call the cops. Since I already knew that was a threat that actually meant something there (it wouldn’t in Colombia, the cops would probably laugh at you if you called them for something like that) I asked the next person who walked by us where I could find a cop and he told me. So I told the guy again “will you give me my money back or am I going to go get a cop” he didn’t and so I told my parents to stay with them and I started walking that way, my parents told me to just drop it again, but dang it I just wanted to win once! :P. After walking like 30 meters, a kid came and tapped me in the shoulder and said something like “hey friend it’s ok he said he’ll give you another one of the small ones for free, just don’t call the police”. I decided that would be good enough and my dad said ok, so we left. After walking for a while we tried to get a cab which ended being a lot harder than we thought, there were a lot of bicycle taxis but they were asking for 80 yuan, and we would need to take 2. So we kept looking for a normal taxi, eventually a motorcycle-taxi showed up and told us he would take all 4 of us for 40. I don’t know how that bike made it or how we fit in that tiny cabin, but we did. When we got to the hotel we started asking about our options for the next day and they told us that since we had to be in the airport at 1 we needed to leave really early because of traffic, plus it was kind of far. So we said ok and didn’t get to see a few places that we wanted to just visit and would only have taken 1.5-2 hours.

Our car didn’t pick us up until an hour after it was supposed to, and we went straight to the airport, the ride was supposed to take 1.5 hours plus however long traffic delayed us…it took us 30 minutes. So there we were at the airport with plenty of time, and not having seen the things we wanted to see. Oh well.
From Beijing, we flew to Shanghai, where we would get on a plane to New Delhi, well that got delayed so we got to hang out there for a really long time, maria was having fun, and we read some more of her book. They gave us cookies (a lot) and cans of milk tea which was actually pretty good, though not really satisfactory for a 3 hour delay. Maria drank a lot of tea because she really liked it and had an accident on the plane while she was sleeping.

That was it for China, next up India.